Thursday, 10 July 2008

Moderate drinking can help prevent depression

We now have yet another, drink beer: It can put you in a better mood—and we're not talking about that invincible, slightly crazy, everybody's-best-friend mood.

A new study suggests that even moderate drinkers who turn abstinent may develop depression. Researchers found that mice who drank alcohol voluntarily for 28 days exhibited depression-like behavior 2 weeks after they stopped imbibing.

The negative mood was linked to a reduction in neuron production in the brain, which can also cause diminished cognitive abilities.

So as long as you drink responsibly, keep raising your glass. Wine has tons of other health benefits in addition to keeping you happy. The resveratrol in grape skins lowers your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancer.

Beer's good, too: Bioactive compounds in your brewsky battle cancer and boost metabolism. And moderate alcohol of any kind prevents clots, cleans your arteries, and reduces stress.

There's nothing wrong with always ordering your favorite. But if you're still drinking what you chugged in college, try one of these suggestions to re-enliven your taste buds.

And don't forget mixed drinks. You don't have to be a bartender; use these expert tips to create the ultimate cocktails.

Whatever your alcohol, drink it and be merry.

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