Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Facts about Voluntary Blood Donation

Facts about Voluntary Blood Donation

The Truth

Human Blood for transfusion is the only form of treatment that cannot be manufactured by factories. It can only come from kindhearted people whom we call modern heroes who care enough to share their blood and to spend some of their time in order to save another person’s life. Blood is a valuable human resource, and so far, incomparable.

The Need

We need to collect 2,232 units of donated blood everyday to ensure the adequacy of the blood supply to meet the Philippines’ annual blood requirement (700,000 to 750,000 units).

The Potential Donor

If you are….

Age: 16 to 65 years old (for ages 16 & 17, parental consent is needed)

Weight: At least 100 lbs. (45 kgs) – for blood donation of 250 ml.

At least 110 lbs. (50 kgs) – for donation of 450 ml.

Pulse Rate: Between 60 and 100 beats / minute with a regular rhythm

Blood Pressure: Between 90 to 160 systolic and 60 to 100 diastolic

Hemoglobin: At least 125g/l

The Collection

A. Before Blood Donation

    1. You will be asked to fill-up a Donor’s Form upon arrival at the blood collection site
    2. Questions regarding your health history will be asked by a trained professional staff
    3. Pre-education and counselling will be given by a trained professional staff
    4. You will be examined by a physician
    5. Your weight, blood pressure, pulse rate and temperature will be checked
    6. A small sample of your blood will be taken to check you blood type and the hemoglobin level
    7. Screening and selection process will usually take about 10-15 minutes. You are encouraged to give accurate data for your safety and that of the patient. All information gathered will be treated with utmost confidentiality

B. During Blood Donation

    1. You will be asked to lie down on a bed for blood collection done by a skilled medical technologist or nurse
    2. The amount of blood which will be taken will be determined by the doctor and will depend mainly on your body weight and never exceeds 450 ml.
    3. This will take another 10-15 minutes

C. After Blood Donation

    1. You will be advised to rest for 10 or more minutes to allow your body to readjust
    2. You will be given a Blood Donation Record Card, a beverage and simple snacks
    3. You will be advised to drink more fluids
    4. Post-donation education and counselling will be given by a trained professional staff.
    5. The volume of fluid taken is completely replaced by the body within 3 to 5 hours.

The Benefits of Blood Donating to the Donor

1. Blood Donation stimulates production of new cells, similar to the principle of “change oil mechanism”.

2. Personal health check, you will know your blood type and Hemoglobin

3. Blood donation boosts personal worth

The Questions

These are the frequently asked questions regarding blood donation:

Will it hurt?

You will only feel a pinch during the insertion of the needle.

How often can a person donate blood?

A minimum interval between 2 donations is 12 weeks because iron stock which is mainly present in the blood has to be restored

What are the reasons why a person cannot donate blood?

There are certain conditions that can prevent a person temporarily from donating blood:


  • Pregnancy
  • Acute fever
  • Recent alcohol intake
  • Ear or body piercing and tattooing
  • Recent surgery


Persons with the following conditions are not allowed to donate blood at anytime:

  • cancer
  • cardiac diseases
  • severe lung disease
  • viral hepatitis
  • prolonged bleeding
  • chronic alcoholism
  • HIV Infection, AIDS or Sexually Transmitted Diseases
  • unexplained weight loss of more than 5 kg. Over six months
  • other conditions or diseases stated in the Alphabetical Guide to Medical Assessment of Blood Donors

Safe Blood can only come from people like you who will be willing to share your blood and your time for the sake of others.

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